Almost every business starts out inefficiently,and that’s fine. But as your company grows,you need to continue to improve efficiency.


Setting SMART goals and celebrating successes can help employees feel invested in the optimization process. Bringing in consultants can also provide fresh perspectives. IT managed services,IT strategy,cybersecurity and more are offered by a small Portland team.

1. Identify Your Inputs

Managed service providers can relieve your team of tedious and unneeded tasks. Depending on your needs,they can manage anything from hardware to software to data backup and recovery for your entire network. They can also manage other business functions not central to your operation.

As described in this framework’s Optimize component,a good MSP can also help you identify cost-saving opportunities. In addition,they can help you rightsize for peaks in workload demand. This involves setting up resized instances to serve peak workload and reducing them down when the demand subsides.

The 2022 Portland Insights Survey is a new approach to learning from community members about City services,policies and budget decisions,and ensuring that all Portlanders,including historically underserved communities,have their voices heard in decision-making. In Fall 2023,the Survey will be complemented by in-person discussions through focus groups. It is important to use culturally-based methods in order to increase participation from traditionally underrepresented groups.

2. Identify Your Outputs

For teams that don’t have the specialized skills or time to maintain or anticipate IT needs,engaging managed services can be a smart decision. This model can help reduce costs while ensuring that all business functions will be supported.

For example,an appliance retail store engaged a small IT consulting and SI company to manage its data analytics. This reduced the time staff members spent manually sorting through spreadsheets and extracting relevant information for making decisions.

Your team can focus on more important tasks that drive growth and profits with the help of technology solutions. For instance,an HR manager shouldn’t have to worry about distributing new log-ins to employees or the IT team shouldn’t be bogged down by routine maintenance tasks. Electric can help you free your team to concentrate on growing your company by providing a managed service.

3. How to Identify Your Waste

Portland businesses can rely on Managed IT providers to help with a variety of technology solutions,including network monitoring,cybersecurity,data backup and recovery,hardware and software maintenance. These services reduce IT costs and improve productivity,allowing companies to concentrate on their core business.

Idle compute instances are known to be one of the largest contributors to waste in cloud spending. To solve this problem,policies can define how to identify instances that can be discarded if they are not used more than 1% for a certain period of time.

The City took a new approach in 2022,using surveys and focus groups to gather feedback from Portlanders. This survey,called the Insights Survey,will be conducted biennially,amplifying the voices of communities historically underrepresented in surveys.
